The Current Landmine Situation in the World

At this moment, more than 4,000 people are injured or killed by Mines/ERW accidents (ICBL, 2011). This means that every two hours someone has become a landmine victim in some part of the world. According to the ICBL (International Campaign to Ban Landmines), the total number of Mines/ERW victims in Cambodia were 286 in 2010. The figure is the fourth highest of all following after Afghanistan, Pakistan and Columbia where they are currently undergoing a civil unrest or rebellion. Furthermore, CMVIS (Cambodia Mine Victims Information System) shows that the number of Mines/ERW victims in the past twenty-three years reached to 64,057. It is 4 to 6 times higher than that of Afghanistan and Columbia. That is to say, Cambodia is the most mine affected country in the world.


The CMC has supported civilian victims of landmine through Emergency, a humanitarian NGO that provides free emergency medical treatment to the population affected by the war. On top of this, the CMC works collaboratively with the CWARS* (Cambodian War Amputees Rehabilitation Society) to support the social and economic independence of landmine survivors.

*The CWARS has vocational training centres across Cambodia to give thousands of impoverished, unemployed landmine victims training as self-employed professionals such as barbers/hairdressers, motorcycle/ bicycle mechanics and electrical appliance repairers.